Background Information


The demographics questionnaire is a self-report measure collecting age, sex (Male or Female), ethnicity (Hispanic or non-Hispanic), race (American Indian or native Alaskan, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, White, Other Race) and native language (English, Spanish, Asian dialect, African dialect, Indian dialect, Other).

Note: This assessment is given to participants ages 12-85 and the guardians of participants ages 6-11 years old.

Medical Conditions

This form was created by study staff, and asks, “Does the participant have any illnesses or health problems at present?” Study staff asks this question directly to the participant or to their parent, and records any condition that is endorsed.

Note: This is asked of all participants, ages 6-85 years old, and is administered during the time that Vitals are being obtained.

Medical History Questionnaire-Adult

This questionnaire is designed to get a detailed and comprehensive history of the participant’s medical and psychiatric history. Participants respond Yes or No to a list of possible medical issues, and for some are asked to specify type.

Note: This assessment is given to all adult participants, ages 18-85 years old.

References: Merikangas, K., project in development.

Medical History Questionnaire-Child

This questionnaire is designed to get a detailed and comprehensive history of the participant’s medical and psychiatric history. Parents are asked to respond Yes or No to a list of possible medical issues about their child, and for some are asked to specify type.

Note: This assessment is completed by guardians of child participants, ages 6-17 years old.

References: Merikangas, K., project in development.

Hollingshead Four-Factor Index of Socioeconomic Status: (SES-Adult)

The Hollingshead Four Factor Index of Socioeconomic Status is a survey designed to measure social status of an individual based on four domains: marital status, retired/employed status, educational attainment, and occupational prestige. The participant’s education code is obtained education code is rated on a 7-point scale that lists highest grade completed, in which 7=graduate/professional training, 6= standard college or university graduation, 5=partial college, at least one year of specialized training, 4= high school graduate, 3=partial high school, 10th or 11th grade, 2= junior high school, including 9th grade, 1= less than 7th grade, 0=not applicable or unknown. The participant’s occupational code is rated on a 9-point scale, in which 9=higher executive, proprietor of large businesses, major professional, 8=administrators, lesser professionals, proprietor of medium-sized business, 7=smaller business owners, farm owners, managers, minor professionals, 6=technicians, semi-professionals, small business owners (business valued at $50,000-70,000), 5=clerical and sales workers, small farm and business owners (business valued at $25,000-50,000), 4=smaller business owners (<$25,000), skilled manual laborers, craftsmen, tenant farmers, 3=machine operators and semi-skilled workers, 2=unskilled workers,1=farm laborers, menial service workers, students, housewives, (dependent on welfare, no regular occupation), 0=not applicable or unknown. If the participant has a spouse/significant other that is contributing to the household, their education and occupational codes are obtained as well. The participant is asked who was financially supporting him or her at age 16, and education and occupational codes are obtained for these parent/guardians as well. An SES score is calculated separately for the participant and for the participant’s parents.

Note: This is administered to all adult participants, ages 18-85 years old, during the SCID administration.

References: Hollingshead, A. A. (1975). Four-factor index of social status. Unpublished manuscript, Yale University, New Haven, CT.

Hollingshead Four-Factor Index of Socioeconomic Status (SES-Child)

The Hollingshead Four Factor Index of Socioeconomic Status is a survey designed to measure social status of an individual based on four domains: marital status, retired/employed status, educational attainment, and occupational prestige. The child participant’s parent’s education code is rated on a 7-point scale that lists highest grade completed, in which 7=graduate/professional training, 6= standard college or university graduation, 5=partial college, at least one year of specialized training, 4= high school graduate, 3=partial high school, 10th or 11th grade, 2= junior high school, including 9th grade, 1= less than 7th grade, 0=not applicable or unknown. The child participant’s parent’s occupational code is rated on a 9-point scale, for which the Hollingshead manuscript provides a more detailed list: 9=higher executive, proprietor of large businesses, major professional, 8=administrators, lesser professionals, proprietor of medium-sized business, 7=smaller business owners, farm owners, managers, minor professionals, 6=technicians, semi-professionals, small business owners (business valued at $50,000-70,000), 5=clerical and sales workers, small farm and business owners (business valued at $25,000-50,000), 4=smaller business owners (<$25,000), skilled manual laborers, craftsmen, tenant farmers, 3=machine operators and semi-skilled workers, 2=unskilled workers, 1=farm laborers, menial service workers, students, housewives, (dependent on welfare, no regular occupation), 0=not applicable or unknown An SES score is then calculated for a total parental SES score.

Note: This is administered to guardians of all child participants, ages 6-17 years old, during the KSADS administration.

References: Hollingshead, A. A. (1975). Four-factor index of social status. Unpublished manuscript, Yale University, New Haven, CT.

Zip Code

This assessment asks the participant to write their zip code, to ensure that it has been recorded correctly. It was created by study staff.

Note: This assessment is given to all guardians of child participants, ages 6-17, and to all adult participants, ages 18-85.