Some questions asked by potential participants. If you are a research with a question please check here for answers to common research questions.

FAQ What is so important about this study?  Read More

Mental and neurological illnesses are common, and many of us have experienced illnesses either personally, through family, or through friends. There is so much to learn in order to improve the prevention, recognition, and treatment of psychiatric and neurological disorders. As humans, we share many common traits: how we relate to each other, how we feel, how we act, and how we think.  Understanding our similarities and differences is important to understanding who we are and how we maintain health.

The Rockland Sample is one of the very first large-scale studies to use Magnetic Resonance Imaging with open science.  Open science means sharing the data (after personal identifiers are removed) with scientists around the world.  Having many people work together speeds the pace at which discoveries can be made.

Why is your program called “Rockland Sample”? Read More

In our first study, Discovery Science, The National Institutes of Health chose Rockland County (and the surrounding zip codes in Orange, Westchester, and Bergen Counties) because the population of Rockland County closely matches the population of the whole United States. The success of the initiative depended on the volunteerism of Rockland County residents. (And it was a success. Thank you!) 

Do I need to live in Rockland County to participate? Read More

No, our current studies have expanded to include residents of Orange, Westchester, and Bergen Counties.

Where does the study take place?  Read More

All studies in the Initiative take place at the Nathan Kline Institute in Orangeburg, NY. It is easily accessible by municipal bus routes.  Click here for a map and directions.

How old do you have to be to participate?  Read More

The current NKI-RS study is open to participants between the ages of 9 and 75 years.

Can I do the study on the weekend?  Read More

Yes. We are open for participants seven days a week. 

What will I have to do during the study?  Read More

Details about current studies can be found here.

Will I get paid for participating in the study?  Read More

Yes, we compensate participants for their time and transportation. We also provide healthy snacks for studies that last several hours.

Is the information you collect about me confidential?  Read More

All personal health information, including all test results, will be kept completely confidential. All information collected during the study will be separated from participants’ identifying information such as name, birth date, and address. Data that are shared scientifically will have none of these identifiers.

Do I get the results of the study?  Read More

Our clinical research team is available to discuss results from study procedures and provide personalized feedback upon request.

Who is paying for the study?  Read More

This study is made possible through the support of the New York State Office of Mental Health and the National Institutes of Health.

May family members participate?  Read More

Yes, family members may participate.

What is an MRI?  Read More

An MRI is a way of taking detailed pictures of the brain using a large magnet. There are no known medical risks associated with an MRI. The MRI does not expose people to radiation like X-rays or other ways scientists take pictures of the brain. The MRI can be loud, so participants wear special noise cancelling headphones.

MRIBD mock scanner