Incidental Finding
This form was created by study staff to record whether or not there was an incidental finding from the MRI scan, as well as whether or not the MRI scan was approved for data sharing, The radiologist’s impression is recorded in an open-text box, in addition to selecting 1 of 7 coded impressions (Normal MRI – No Findings, Other – See Radiologist Impression, Age Related Changes, Sinus Opacification, Scattered Microvascular Ischemic Disease, Scalp Sebaceous Cyst, Nonspecific T2 Hyperintensity).
Note: This form is completed by designated study staff following completion of the study protocol, for all participants, ages 6-85 years old.
MRI Log Sheet
This form was created by study staff to record whether or not the participant was able to successfully complete each scan included in the protocol, in addition to whether or not BioPac data was successfully recorded. Any adjustments in order or complications having to do with the scans are documented in the free-text comment boxes.
Note: The MRI is administered with all participants, ages 6-85 years old.
New York Cognition Questionnaire (NYC-Q)
The NYC-Q is a 31-item self-report questionnaire that asks participants about the different thoughts and feelings that they may have had while in the MRI scan. Participants are asked to indicate the extent to which their thinking or experience corresponded to each item on a 9-point scale: 1-Completely did not describe my thoughts or characterize my experience, to 9-Completely did describe my thoughts or characterize my experience.
Note: This assessment is given to participants ages 13-85 years old.
References: Gorgolewski, K. J., Lurie, D., Urchs, S., Kipping, J. A., Craddock, R. C., Milham, M. P., … Smallwood, J. (2014). A Correspondence between Individual Differences in the Brain’s Intrinsic Functional Architecture and the Content and Form of Self-Generated Thoughts. PLoS ONE, 9(5), e97176.