Participant Feedback

Over 1,500 people have already participated in the Rockland Sample Initiative. Upon completing their participation, each participant is given a satisfaction survey. The feedback we have received so far is overwhelmingly positive:

  • 99% of people say that the service provided by Rockland Sample staff during their visit exceeded their expectations.
  • 99% said that based on their experience, they would participate in another study at NKI.
  • 99% said they would recommend the study to others.
  • 97% said their overall experience was positive, and 79% said their experience was “excellent”.

Here is what past participants have said about their experience in the Rockland Sample:

“Everyone here was wonderful, I had a lot of fun learning about myself- thanks! I would definitely come back and do another study in the future!!”

“My experience was great, everything was done in a timely fashion, the staff was courteous and friendly and they provided and cared for our needs.”

“Thought the staff was absolutely superb!!! Really enjoyed my overall experience!!!”

“It was a great experience for me and my daughter. It was very organized and everyone was just so sweet, kind and helpful.”

“I have LOVED LOVED LOVED the fact that my daughter could participate in this study. Everyone was great to my daughter (not surprised as they were great to me as well).”​

“The staff was very professional and friendly and made me feel welcome and relaxed.”

“Everyone was very nice, very family oriented. I was not nervous, I was relaxed. The staff was kind, caring, sweet and sociable. I was relaxed during the two days. I was not stressed or anxious.”​

“Surprising and interesting; happy to help brain mapping, and toward improved services for the mentally ill.”​

“great experience.  enjoyable.  educational. great staff.  all was wonderful,  appreciate research.”​

“The NKI Rockland Sample Study was very informative and enjoyable. The staff members were all extremely nice, helpful and professional. Both of the two days were organized well, and the days seemed to move along quickly. This was an enjoyable experience overall. I will recommend it to others.”​

“Felt well prepared for the experience by initial phone interview. Felt very well cared for on both days.  Excited by the range of tests administered, since they were not tests I had ever taken or that were taken so long ago they felt new and fresh.  Felt like a member of the team, so to speak, as I was made to feel all along the way that my input was valuable…”​

“Everyone was very nice. They made me feel like I was contributing to something that was very important.”​

“I enjoyed the experience a lot. It made me really think about myself as a person in a positive way.”​”

“Great staff, fun and get paid not much more to ask for!”​

“My children were made to feel important and “grown up” because they were taking part in the study.  They enjoyed the experience so far.”
